Types of Financial Aid

澳门赌场在线娱乐提供多种经济援助选择,帮助你完成学业 Wilkes education affordable.

我们提供的大多数经济援助计划都包括奖学金、助学金、贷款和勤工俭学 opportunities. 资金可能由联邦政府、州政府、 Wilkes and other private sources.

Types of Funding

Merit Scholarships

Awarded based on academic performance and renewable each year.

Fall 2024 - Spring 2025 Academic Year
  • Trustee Scholarship: $28,000
  • Presidential Scholarship: $26,000
  • Provost Scholarship: $24,000
  • Dean Scholarship: $19,000

Blue & Gold Opportunity Grant

颁发给表现出潜力但未获得上述奖项的一年级学生 scholarships.

  • $16,000

Hometown Advantage Award


  • Commuters: $500
  • Residents: $2,000

Out-of-State Award

Awarded to students who reside outside of Pennsylvania.

  • $2,000

Lehigh Valley Loyal Scholarship


  • $2,000

上述一年级奖学金和奖项适用于美国大学.S. citizens and permanent residents only; learn more about our international student scholarships. 作为一年级学生,你也可能有资格获得其他经济援助. Follow the steps for the undergraduate financial aid process to see how affordable your Wilkes education can be.

请注意:为了保持获得第一年奖学金和奖励的资格, students must be enrolled as full-time, degree-seeking student.

Financial Aid Process

Thumbnail of Finding and Researching Scholarships

Merit Scholarships

Awarded based on academic performance and renewable each year.

Fall 2024 - Spring 2025 Academic Year
  • Range: $15,000 to $19,000

Out-of-State Award

Awarded to students who reside outside of Pennsylvania.

  • $2,000

Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship

颁发给Phi Theta Kappa荣誉协会成员的转学生 addition to the transfer scholarship listed above; proof of PTK membership must be submitted with admission application.

  • $2,000

The above transfer scholarships and awards are available to U.S. citizens and permanent residents only; learn more about our international student scholarships. 作为一名转学生,你也可能有资格获得其他经济援助. Follow the steps for the undergraduate financial aid process to see how affordable your Wilkes education can be.

请注意:为了保持获得转学奖学金和奖励的资格, students must be enrolled as full-time, degree-seeking student.

Financial Aid Process

我们鼓励学生寻找其他校外奖学金. When searching 奖学金,确保奖学金标准与你的大学和个人相符 attributes.

Locating Outside Scholarships

你可以通过使用一些来避免收取费用的奖学金搜索 of these popular free scholarship websites:

我们还建议联系你的高中指导顾问,当地的公民团体, parents' places of employment, etc. to inquire about scholarship opportunities.

Leadership Scholarships
领导力奖学金可以提供给学生组织的领导者,包括 major publications and student government. Typically awarded to returning Wilkes University.

Endowed and Named Scholarships
捐赠和命名奖学金是由澳门赌场在线娱乐的校友和朋友捐赠的 or memorialize their loved ones. Requirements for these scholarships vary, but most 不需要申请,并通过配对自动授予学生 criteria established by donors. These scholarships are typically awarded to returning WIlkes University students.

Veterans Scholarships
如果你为国家效力,澳门赌场在线娱乐想帮你想办法资助你的大学 education. 访问退伍军人服务中心,了解更多关于黄丝带计划的信息, 《澳门在线赌城娱乐》和其他退伍军人可用的资源.

“GI Bill®” is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. More 有关退伍军人事务部提供的教育福利的信息可在官方网站获得 U.S. government website. external website

Air Force ROTC Scholarships
全额和部分学费奖学金可根据个人成绩和成绩颁发 participation in the U.S. Air Force. Applications must be completed by December 1st. For more scholarship information, please visit www.afrotc.com.

Performance Scholarships
戏剧艺术和音乐剧专业的学生可以获得基于表演的奖学金 on an audition.

Multicultural Service Scholarships
多元文化服务奖学金可颁发给来自不同国家的学生 文化和经济背景,并为社区服务活动做出贡献 campus. 所有有经济需要的学生都可以考虑,无论文化 or ethnic background. Scholarship renewal is based on continued service to campus or the community. Typically awarded to returning Wilkes University.

Bierly Fellowship
澳门赌场在线娱乐寻求比尔利奖学金的候选人,该奖学金旨在资助独特的 为渴望表演质量的本科生提供体验式学习机会 work in their field of study outside of the campus community. The fellowship may cover 有学分或非学分的合作教育或实习经历 有国际或国内留学经历或校外本科研究经历.

Alumni Scholarships
如果你父母中有一人毕业于澳门赌场在线娱乐,你就有资格申请校友奖学金 Association Scholarship. If you have a GPA of 3.0 or higher, you may apply by early April of your first year, sophomore or junior year. Email the Office of Alumni Relations for more information.

奖助金是以财务需要为基础,不需要偿还. You must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA external website) to determine grant eligibility.

Grants include:

  • Federal Pell grants external website,每年颁发一次,将取决于您的预期家庭贡献(EFC),费用 college attendance and enrollment status (full or part time).
  • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG)
    SEOG external website 奖学金是基于你的经济需要,你申请援助的日期,你的任何其他援助 may receive, and availability of Wilkes funds. You must be Pell eligible to be considered for this grant. Funds are very limited.
  • Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA) Grant
    宾夕法尼亚州的居民可以根据经济需要获得年度奖励 the Pennsylvania State Grant Program external websiteYou must complete the FAFSA by May 1st of the upcoming aid year.
  • Wilkes University Grant
    Funds offered by students who demonstrate financial need. Funds are limited.

勤工俭学可以让你赚钱来支付你的教育和相关费用 expenses. 研究表明,在上学期间工作的学生有更高的 grades and graduate faster. Plus, the work experience will help build your résumé. 看看澳门赌场在线娱乐的学生可以选择的一些勤工俭学的选择:

Federal Work-Study Program

The Federal Work-Study Program external website is funded jointly by the U.S. Department of Education and Wilkes University. The program allows you to work on campus to help cover education costs. To be eligible, you must be enrolled at least half time and meet financial need requirements. Work-study employees receive a  paycheck for hours worked; these funds will not be applied to tuition bills.

University Student Employment Program

这个项目完全由大学资助,你可以通过 working on campus. 你不需要证明经济需要,但你必须注册. Work-study employees receive a paycheck for hours worked; these funds will not be applied to tuition bills.

State Work-Study Program

该项目由宾夕法尼亚州联邦政府资助,PHEAA管理, 将学生安置在与公共事业相关或社区丰富的职位上 private-sector employers. 你必须是宾夕法尼亚州的居民,并且有财务证明 need to participate in the State Work-Study Program external website.

Off-Campus Employment

The Center for Career Development and Internships 能帮你澳门赌场在线娱乐-巴雷地区找准雇主吗. Full-time, part-time and summer positions are available.


Wilkes University participates in the Federal Direct Loan Program external website. 直接贷款是发放给你和你父母的低息贷款 the costs of a college education. The lender is the U.S. Department of Education, 但你的贷款服务商和主要联系人可能是一家私人公司.

Thumbnail of A Minute to Learn It - Borrowing Student Loans

Private student loans 是通过不隶属于美国的私人贷款机构发放的.S. Department of Education or Wilkes University. They may be an option for students who need more 奖学金以外的资助,或少于半学期或半学期的学生 in a non-degree-seeking program.

Learn More about Private Loans