Gain the skills you need to better understand human behavior. 有学士学位 澳门赌场在线娱乐的心理学课程中,你将为各种各样令人兴奋和有意义的学习做好准备 careers both inside and outside the field of psychology.


项目类型 格式 学分
大,小 校园 120(未成年人18)

Why Study 心理学 at Wilkes?

您将在体验设施和设备的同时向专家教授学习 used by today's psychological professionals. 我们的 faculty are committed to developing 与你建立师徒关系,将帮助你建立自己的优势和影响力 个人和职业目标. Choose from either the applied or research track. 应用 Track为你在许多领域的入门级职位做好准备,这些职位取决于你的理解 人类行为,而研究轨道给你方法论背景 to proceed to graduate school. You can even minor in sport psychology.

What Will You Learn as a 心理学 Major?

  • 通过批判性思维的发展,获得对人类行为的广泛理解 thinking and scientific inquiry skills. Practice research methods, project design 和统计分析,同时学习使用科学证据评估索赔.
  • 培养对人类经历多样性的认识和欣赏 在课堂上和课堂上学习社会和道德责任 专业设置.
  • 学会与他人有效沟通,并作为团队的一部分工作,使你 a valuable asset to a variety of potential employers.



Gain a broad understanding of the field of psychology. Choose a specialized educational track that best aligns with your unique 利益 and goals. 你也可以考虑 adding a minor or even a second major to expand your knowledge.


如果你选择研究顶点经验,你将设计和实现你自己的 研究项目. You'll also build professional skills by presenting your findings. 你也可能有机会和老师们一起研究.


实习经历可以让你发展技能,并将课程应用到现实世界中 设置. 实习 often result in job offers at placement sites after graduation. 最近的实习地点包括慈善医院青少年精神病科、约翰亨氏 康复研究所,埃塞克斯县少年拘留中心和逐步 公司.

我非常感谢老师和管理人员给我的支持 all the amazing opportunities that they have provided for me.Francesca Varela-Seri '20 - Neuroscience and 心理学
心理学系不仅为我提供了良好的教育,而且 让我有机会在神经训练研究方面获得研究经验 Center as well as in a Stress and Social Justice Lab.Monica Morrison '21 ——心理学
1 in 4

psychology majors have a second major, expanding potential career options


心理学专业有一门或多门辅修课程,使他们能够探索各种学术 利益


想要获得实习机会的心理学专业学生被安排在一个 实习地点


我们的心理学教师是他们专业的专家,并提供实际指导 以及在研究、批判性思维等方面获得宝贵经验的机会 valuable skills vital to future academic and career success.


Dr. Micayla F. 莱西 is a psychophysiologist specializing in motivational processes 和情感. Dr. 莱西获得了博士学位.D in Experimental 心理学 from the University of Alabama, with a concentration in Social 心理学.

在她的研究中. 莱西使用行为和生理测量,如脑电图 (EEG), to investigate processes linked to emotion and motivation. 她最近的研究 专注于使用这些方法来更好地理解神经,认知和 behavioral processes that occur during instances of motivational conflict.


Dr. 艾伦E. 纽厄尔 is a social psychologist who focuses on understanding how diverse people cope with stressful situations. She is especially interested in the intertwining 人们在面对威胁时的心理和心血管反应 的歧视. 她获得了博士学位.D. from the University of Maine. Dr. 纽厄尔教 为心理学和神经科学专业的学生开设的各种课程,包括统计学, the psychology of prejudice, and social psychology.

Dr. 纽维尔是澳门赌场在线娱乐多元化倡议的坚定倡导者 她还获得了校长颁发的多元化卓越奖.

Dr. 纽厄尔负责跨学科的行为,行动主义,发展和社会 与博士进行压力实验. 詹妮弗•托马斯. Their most recent project examined feminist identity 以及确定自己是女权主义者是否有助于缓冲人们面临的福祉 与性别歧视. You can read more about their lab in 这篇文章.


Dr. 尼科尔出售, 助理教授 of 心理学, received her BA in 心理学 她在利哈伊大学获得咨询与人类服务医学博士学位, 以及宾夕法尼亚州立大学生物行为健康专业的硕士和博士学位. 她还在临床与研究所完成了博士后研究 on Addictions at the University at Buffalo.

Dr. 塞尔教授的课程包括异常行为、心理学研究、应用顶点、 和个性. She is a health psychologist whose main research focus deals with preventing risky drinking and related harms (e.g., sexual assault) among college students.


Dr. 詹妮弗·托马斯是一位发展心理学家,她是儿童方面的专家 and adolescents’ friendships and peer relationships. She is an 副教授 of 心理学 and the Director of the Women’s and Gender Studies 程序. Dr. 托马斯。 earned a PhD in Developmental 心理学 from Purdue University and an MA in psychology from Wake Forest University. She teaches courses in Developmental 心理学、青少年心理学、研究方法、性别心理学等 Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies. Dr. 托马斯。 was a recipient of the Carpenter 杰出教学奖.

Dr. 托马斯。 has several areas of research interest. First, she studies how friendships 影响儿童和青少年的适应和亲社会行为及联系 between adults’ friendships and their wellbeing. Her interdisciplinary research 利益 包括与新兴成人参与性别和政治相关的因素 激进主义. Dr. 托马斯和托马斯博士. 纽维尔,也检查一下 women’s physiological reactions to stress to better understand their resilience versus vulnerability to sexism. Dr. 托马斯。 also engages in the scholarship of teaching and learning. 例如,她学习 mechanisms that foster metacognitive processes and student achievement.

Dr. 托马斯是国际心理学荣誉协会Psi Chi的顾问, and the Wilkes Feminist Alliance.


Dr. 黛比Tindell, 教授 of 心理学, received her BA degree in psychology 她获得了认知心理学的硕士和博士学位 来自德州A&米大学. She teaches courses in Cognition, 研究 Methods, the Senior Capstone course and Introductory 心理学. Dr. 廷德尔是 卡彭特杰出教学奖和校长优秀奖 澳门赌场在线娱乐的导师.

Dr. 廷德尔的主要研究重点是人类记忆,她特别 interested in implicit memory and memory blocks. Dr. Tindell has also conducted research 关于手机在大学课堂上的使用与研究设计的相关问题. She has also worked with Dr. Robert Bohlander (教授 Emeritus) to test the effects of audio-visual entrainment on cognitive processing using 设备 in the NeuroTraining and 研究中心. Dr. Tindell serves as the advisor to the 心理学 Club.

NeuroTraining & 研究中心

NTRC尖端的神经科学技术帮助客户缓解压力和铅 to improved focus and peak performance. The center is run by psychology and neuroscience 实习生,获得最新的神经反馈和生物反馈的实践培训 设备.

探索神经训练 & 研究中心

职业生涯 & 结果

There is growing demand for clinical, counseling and school psychologists. 美国.S. 美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)预计,对这些职业的需求将增长15% 从2018 - 28.  Wilkes psychology graduates are well-prepared for a variety of career 心理学之路. Some graduates continue their education or enter medical school. 以下是我们毕业生选择的职位和雇主,以及例子 of where our alumni attend graduate school.


  • 学校辅导员
  • Community Mental Health Counselor
  • 药物/酒精顾问
  • 执法人员
  • 研究员
  • Pharmaceutical Sales Representative
  • 人力资源 Professional
  • Public Relations Specialist


  • 美国niversity of Scranton
  • 特拉华大学
  • 克莱姆森大学
  • 利哈伊大学
  • 夏威夷大学
  • 天普大学
  • 波尔州立大学
  • 匹兹堡大学
  • 乔治梅森大学
  • 石溪大学


  • 关心社区
  • 孩子们的选择
  • Children's 行为 Services
  • 蒙茅斯医疗中心
  • OSF医疗
  • 中心


You'll get plenty of experience in our hands-on facilities:

  • 我们的心理生理学实验室允许你合作研究急性心理 and physiological responses to stress.
  • 生物心理学实验室让你接触到大脑结构和功能,神经解剖学 and perceptual demonstrations.
  • 我们的 NeuroTraining and 研究中心 让您获得动手训练与最先进的神经反馈和生物反馈 设备, as well as audiovisual entrainment devices.
  • 我们的 clinical observation suite is equipped with one-way mirrors.
  • 计算机实验室为学生提供了使用软件和计算机演示的机会 到现场去.